For the animation project, I was really inspired by the parodies of fairy tales.
I think because they cause you to think of an outcome that is different from what you’re used to. So after seeing those I thought about what I could do that would change the way we view an everyday thing. I was also thinking about the dream/tripping sequences we watching in class and my idea came to me.
I want to animate what I think my dog might dream about. I think that my project will start with scenes of my wife walking our dog, and feeding him, etc. Then he will be on his bed sleeping, I’ll do some sort of wave effect with a zoom-in to tell the audience that we are looking in on his dream, and then the animation will start.
It will start with him waking up and standing up, and then taking my wife for a walk. When he goes outside with my wife you’ll see cats and birds and hamsters walking their humans on human leashes.
I have a few ideas of what to do while they are walking, but I’ll have to start the whole animation process and see how long everything takes me before I can add even more detail into that.