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Brainstorm Blog #2


For my project I think that I want to do something like a car chase, or try and incorporate some form of stress into the piece. I’d like to try somehow to bring about the feeling of stress at the beginning and maybe the feeling of relaxation at the end of the track.

I’m not exactly sure how I’ll get this accomplished. Probably start with loud and intense sounds that don’t really go on beat, and gradually change to sounds landing on a beat which will hopefully steady a person’s heart rate. I’m also really passionate about horror, so this is where much of the inspiration for this project comes from.

I also like old horror movies, so maybe I’ll try to make the track sound older, to give it a more retro feel. I haven’t had a chance to listen to all the files that we’ve uploaded, but I have found a few that I find to be a bit ominous sounding, and I can make even more ominous with some edits in the software.

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